/* * Balancebeam Toolkit 1.0 * * Description : Various tools * Copyright 2011 * License : MIT * Author : yangzz * Mail : balancebeam@163.com * * Depends: * balancebeam/lib/jquery.js */ (function($){ //获取应用的上下文路径 $.getContextPath = function(){ /** * ip address such as : * * * http://www.balancebeam.cc/framework/balancbeam/lib/jquery.js * http://www.balancebeam.cc/balancbeam/lib/jquery.js */ var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], scripts = head.getElementsByTagName("script"); for(var i=0,script,src,matcher;script=scripts[i];i++){ if((src = script.src) && (matcher = src.match(/\/jquery[^\/]*\.js$/i))){ var contextPath = ""; //采用的是相对路径 if(!/(^\/)|(^http)/.test(script.getAttribute("src"))){ contextPath = src.substring(0,src.lastIndexOf("/")+1) + "../"; } else{ src = src.substring(0,src.indexOf("/lib")); contextPath = src +"/"; } return ($.getContextPath= function(){ return contextPath; })(); } } throw new Error("miss jQuery lib,can not to analysis application context path."); }; $.mask = new function(){ var pageMask = null; //显示页面遮挡层 this.showPageMask = function(zIndex){ pageMask = pageMask || $("
").appendTo('body'); zIndex && pageMask.css("zIndex",zIndex); pageMask.show(); }; //隐藏页面遮挡层 this.hidePageMask = function(){ pageMask && pageMask.hide(); } var ajaxMask = null; //显示ajax请求遮挡层 this.showAjaxMask = function(){ if(!ajaxMask){ var html = ["
"]; html.push("
"); html.push("
"); html.push("
"); html.push(""); html.push("
"); html.push("
"); html.push("
"); ajaxMask = $(html.join("")).appendTo('body'); } ajaxMask.show(); } //隐藏ajax请求遮挡层 this.hideAjaxMask = function(){ ajaxMask && ajaxMask.hide(); } //显示容器的进度条 var boxLoading = null; this.showBoxLoading = function(box){ if(!boxLoading){ boxLoading = $("
"); } boxLoading.appendTo(box); boxLoading.show(); } this.hideBoxLoading = function(){ if(boxLoading){ boxLoading.remove(); boxLoading.hide(); } } }(); //停止冒泡 $.stopEvent = function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }; //转换模板,返回transformer $.transformTemplate = function(templateString){ /** * var template = "
"; * var transform = $.transformTemplate(template); * var html = transform({className : "welcome",content:"hello world."}); * * or * var template = "
"; * var transform = $.transformTemplate(template); * var html = transform([ "welcome","hello world."]); */ var str = templateString, expression = /#\{[<>a-zA-Z0-9]+\}/, substitute = /(#\{)|(\})/g, markup = [], mapping =[] r = null; while(r = str.match(expression)){ var index = r.index; if(index!=0){ markup.push(str.substring(0,index)); } mapping.push([markup.length,r[0].replace(substitute,"")]); markup.push(r[0]); str = str.substring(index+r[0].length); } str!="" && markup.push(str); return function(data){ var html = []; for(var i=0,map;map =mapping[i];i++){ var index = map[0], name = map[1], value = data[name]!=null ? String(data[name]) : " "; markup[index] = value; } html.push(markup.join("")); return html.join(""); } }; //获取幂级父节点 $.getPowerParent = function(node,power){ while(power--){ node = node.parentNode; } return node; } //获取最外层top帧 $.getTop = function(){ var win = window.opener || window; try{ win.top.navigator; return win.top; }catch(e){ try{ do{ var pwin = win.parent; pwin.navigator; win = pwin; }while(win); }catch(e1){ return win; } } } //把数组转换成对象 $.array2obj = function(array){ var obj = {}; for(var i = array.length -1; i>=0;i--){ obj[array[i]] = 1; } return obj; } //获取参数,如果有回调方法则执行 $.getParameters = function(parameters){ var data = {}; for(var name in parameters){ data[name] = jQuery.isFunction(parameters[name]) ? parameters[name]() : parameters[name]; } return data; } $.getBlankIcon = function(){ return ""; } /** * jQuery patch */ var opt = Object.prototype.toString; function isObject(o){ return "[object Object]"==opt.call(o); } function extendOptions(o1,o2){ for(var name in o2){ if(name in o1){ if(null!=o1[name] && isObject(o1[name]) && isObject(o2[name])){ extendOptions(o1[name],o2[name]); continue; } } o1[name] = o2[name]; } } $.Widget.prototype._createWidget= function( options, element ) { // $.widget.bridge stores the plugin instance, but we do it anyway // so that it's stored even before the _create function runs $.data( element, this.widgetName, this ); this.element = $( element ); this.options = $.extend( true, {}, this.options, this._getCreateOptions()); extendOptions(this.options,options); var self = this; this.element.bind( "remove." + this.widgetName, function() { self.destroy(); }); this._create(); this._trigger( "create" ); this._init(); } })(jQuery);